Hello everyone, I hope you are all well!

Today’s temptation is a toffee pecan caramel brownie, a special brownie for a special occasion…

Here is the recipe, enjoy!

Start by making the brownie base.

Brownie base

  • 16 oz. (450 g) dark chocolate
  • 2/3 cup (140 g) butter
  • 1 3/4 cup (350 g) brown sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 3/4 cup (100 g) all-purpose flour

Bring out all the ingredients.

Put the butter and chocolate into a bowl and melt in the microwave or over a pan of simmering water.

Remove from the heat and stir in the brown sugar.

Add the eggs and sir until everything is well blended, but do not overmix.

Stir in the flour.

Batter done.

Pour the batter into a lined 8 x 12-inch (20 x 30 cm) baking pan.

Bake in a 320 ˚F (160 ˚C) oven for about 40 minutes.

Leave to cool while you get on with the topping.

Caramel topping:

  • 1 cup (220 g)
  • 3/4 cup + 1 tablespoon (175 g) brown sugar
  • 1 cup + 1 tablespoon (250 ml) light corn syrup or liquid glucose
  • 1 can (395 g) sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 tabelspoon pure unsweetened cocoa powder


Melt the butter in a saucepan over a low heat.

Add the brown sugar and stir until everythis is melted and smooth.

Add the corn syrup (or liquid glucose) and sweetened condensed milk and bring to the boil, stirring continously.

Boil for about 15 minutes.

Then add the cocoa powder.

Pour the caramel over the baked brownie base in its pan, then leave to cool while you prepare the toffee pecans.

Toffee pecans

  • 1 cup (220 g) regular sugar
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 4 1/4 oz. (120 g) pecans

Put the sugar and water into a small saucepan, bring to the boil and simmer for 4 minutes until the sugar has dissolved.

Add the pecans and continue cooking for another 3 minutes, or until golden.

Pour onto a sheet of baking parchment and leave to cool. When the mixture is set, roughly chop.

Sprinkle the chopped pecan mixture over the caramel covered brownie base.

Chill for 2 hours.

Cut into squares…

…and enjoy!

The flavor combinations here are just amazing…

Perfect with a cup of tea or coffee… anytime!

I hope you’re tempted…

Have a nice day everyone.

Hugs from me to you.








  1. 250 lys corn syrup eller glukose???? Gram????? Milliliter????
    Vill gärna prova detta, men hur mycket corn sirap ska det vara????

    Tack tack och tusen tack!

  2. Synnøve Raad! Reply

    Kunne du kanskje laget påskecupcakes av noe slag, eller vist litt metoder for å lage feks figurer osv. og link til hvor du kjøper dem? hadde blitt satt utrolig stor pris på:)

  3. Disse saa helt fantastisk gode ut! Disse skal proves!
    Onsker deg en god paske!

  4. Hei ! elsker opstriftene dine . men jeg lurer på hvor du har kjøpt de skjeene som det står foreksempel : paris , dream , joy osv.

  5. johanne hauge arnesen Reply

    de så kjempe gåt ut men jeg bare lurte på hvem smør krem synes du er best og enkles å lege kan du blogge om det neste gang.

  6. Hei! jeg lurer på hvilke butikker jeg kan få tak i søt kondensert melk? Har lett i mange butikker, men finner det ikke noen sted. 
    Kaken så kjempegod ut, tenkte jeg skulle prøve å bake den i påsken! 🙂

  7. Hei!
    Savner litt at du skriver noe om oppbevaring? Både på muffinser og kaker. Ellers synes jeg du har en fantastisk hjemmeside, her finner man alltid noe fristende!

    Kan jo samtidig spørre, hvordan oppbevarer du disse herlighetene?

  8. Så ut som en veldig god brownies! <3 <3
    Hvor får jeg kjøpt visper eller slikkepotter i rosa, Manuela?
    Klem klem og god påske! 

    -Oda <3

  9. Wassan Almamar Reply

    Manuela, så søt du er som du lager, denne brownies ser delicious og må prøves så fort jeg henter pecan nøtter og brun sukker, Hvor kjøper du brunsukkeret???

  10. I really love your blog, your recipes and your photos.

    I try this recipe for the Toffee-Brownies and write a post about it. Well it´s only german but maybe you wanne see my photo!:)

    With really best regards

  11. Pingback: A boa do finde «

  12. Hello I was just wondering if you could put your toffee pecan caramel brownies in English? They look delicious! 
    Thank you 

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