Hello everyone, I hope you are all well.
Today’s temptation is a vanilla cake filled with a luscious raspberry frosting, and decorated with pastel colored sprinkles.
Here is the recipe, enjoy!
Vanilla Cake:
- 5 large egg whites
- 3/4 cup (180 ml) milk or cream
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract + seeds from 1 vanilla bean
- 2 1/4 cups (285 g) cake flour
- 1 1/2 cup (350 g) regular sugar
- 3 teaspons baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 3/4 cup (170 g) unsalted butter
Bring out all the ingredients.
Put the milk, egg whites, vanilla extract and vanilla seeds into a mixing bowl and whisk to combine.
Sift the flour. baking powder and salt into a separate bowl, then sift twice more.
Put the dry ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix for about 2 minutes.
Add the butter, little by little…
…alternating with the milk/egg mixture.
Beat well between each addition.
When all the butter and all the milk/egg mixture is added, beat for 2 more minutes.
Batter done!
Pour the batter into a greased 10-inch (26 cm) pan, or use two 6-inch (15 cm) pans like I’ve done here.
Bake in a 350 ˚F (180 ˚C) oven for about 25-30 minutes.
Leave to cool completely.
Raspberry buttercream:
- 5 large egg whites
- 1 cup + 1 tablespoon (250 g) butter
- 3/4 cup + 1 tablespoon (200 g) regular sugar
- 3 1/2 – 5 oz. (100-150 g) fresh raspberries
- seeds from 1 vanilla bean (optional)
Bring out everything you need. The butter should be slightly softened, but still quite cold.
Put the egg whites, sugar and seeds from the vanilla bean into a bowl.
Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water.
Stir until the sugar has dissolved.
Pour into a mixing bowl and whisk for about 8 minutes.
Replace the whisk with a beaterblade and add the butter, little by little.
Mash the raspberries.
Scoop one-third of the whisked mixture out of the mixing bowl and into a separate bowl and set aside. (This will be used as the last finish later, whisk in a drop of pink food coloring, if you like.)
Add the mashed raspberries to the mixing bowl and beat until everyhing is well blended. The frosting may separate, but just keep on whisking and it’ll be fine
Beat for a few minutes.
I added the juice from 1/2 lemon as well to make the frosting a little but more tangy.
Frosting done! Pink and lovely!
Cut the cakes in two horizontally.
Drizzle with some lemon or orange juice.
Add a dollop of the raspberry frosting and spread over the cake.
Repeat with the next cake, I used three of my four cakes here.
Spread a layer of the raspberry frosting over the top and sides of the cake, then freeze for 30 minutes.
Remove the cake from the freezer and cover the top and sides with the reserved frosting (the part without the mashed raspberries).
I used these pretty pastel colored sprinkles from Wilton.
I decorated both the top and sides of the cake with these pretty sprinkles…
Just lovely! A fresh tasting cake with colorful sprinkles… perfect for Easter, or anytime.
The inside…yummy!
Decoration alternatives:
- fresh fruit on top of the cake, brushed with some melted jelly
- use whipped cream with nearly set raspberry jelly mixed in (instead of the frosting)
That’s it for now…
Have a nice day everyone, I hope you’re tempted to start baking!
Hugs from me to you.
God søndagsmorgen, for en helt fantastisk kaka, gleder meg til å få testet den ut.
God Søndagsmorgen til deg også Marit, håper den blir helt fantastisk
Så fantastisk godt ut! Du inspirerer meg med hver eneste ting du lager! <3
Tusen takk for det Christine, så koselig å høre
Det ser så flott ut når kakene er så høye og fine.
Dette så kjempegodt ut! 😀
Tusen takk anita
Går det an å bruke vanilje essens istedfor vanilje exrtact?
Ser helt nydlig ut<3 Må prøves snart:)
Hei Silje, det gar helt greit eller en vaniljestang
Herlighet, så NYDELIG! Denne må prøves en gang! 🙂
Tusen takk for det Ragnhild
Så fin! 😀 Den så god ut. Must have taken ages to make it! 🙂
Takk Sara, nei det gikk egentlig rask fikk hjelp av minste man i huset! <3
have a wonderfull day
Jeg lagde akuratt doughnutsene fra oppskriften din og mamma sa at de var helt nydelige. Takk for denbeste doughnut oppskriften evver. Elsker deg!
Tusen takk Robina 🙂
Glad det smakte.
For en vakker kake! Ser utrolig god ut, Manuela 🙂
Noe så nydelig!!! Denne så helt fantastisk ut!!! Må lages snart 😀
å takk for at du laget “påske”kaker så fort, jeg spurte jo bare for noen dager siden! :))
denne blir definitivt brukt! Tror jeg skal blande grøn farge og lage en slags “påskehage” med den pynten du har brukt her <3 gleder meg allerede
Kjempefin! Når du steker to bunner sånn, har du de i samme ovn på varmluft?
Ser kjempeflott ut! Men går det an å ha noe annet på den istedet for bringebærfyll/-frosting?
Dette blir garantert årets påskekake! Gleder meg allerede 🙂 Håper du har hatt en nydelig helg:)
Nydelig kaka! Ska definetivt prøvast ut! Elsker kaker fylt med bringebærkrem! 🙂 Ha ei fine veka kjære deg! Klem
det ser godt ut , skal bake den til helgen !
Hei, jeg lagde kaken med glutefritt mel og det ble vellykket!! Jeg sliter derimot med å få til kremen. Pisker eggehvite og sukker lett og fluffy, men når smøret kommer i blir det mer saus enn krem. Hva gjør jeg feil? Håper på raskt svar, da jeg gjerne skulle ha gjort kaken ferdig 🙂 Takk for super side med mye inspirasjon!
Hi! I face the same problem as Ann-Helon. In the end, my frosting became runny, and it does not seem to be as firm and smooth as your frosting in the picture. Could you advise us on this?
if you use Google translate to convert the ingrediense than no Wonder, tell me how did you make it?