Hello everyone, I hope you are all well.
These rocky road cookies are just amazing, I urge you to try them…
Rocky Road Cookies (yield: 30 cookies)
- 12 oz. (350 g) dark chocolate chips
- 3 tablespoons (40 g) butter
- 2 eggs
- 2/3 cup (150 g) regular sugar
- just under 1/2 cup (50 g) all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon pure unsweetened cocoa powder
- ½ teaspoon baking powder
- 1 3/4 oz. (50 g) marshmallows
- 1 3/4 oz. (50 g) walnuts
Preheat the oven to 350 ˚F (180 ˚C).
Put 7 oz. (200 g) of the chocolate chips into a bowl with the butter.
Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water and stir until melted (or melt the chocolate and butter in the microwave).
Leave to cool.
Put the sugar and eggs into a mixing bowl and whisk for about 8 minutes or until very pale and fluffy.
Add the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder, plus the cooled chocolate mixture..
Stir until combined.
Add the marshmallows and the rest of the chocolate chips.
Stir until well blended, then leave the cookie dough to rest for 10 minutes.
Use an ice cream scoop to make small mounds of the cookie dough and place them on lined baking trays.
Bake in the preheated oven for about 10 minutes.
Enjoy your Rocky Road Cookies…
I hope you are tempted to try these fabulous cookies!
Hugs from me to you.
Nam, de ser kjempegode ut! Vi ses på cupcakekurset på lørdag, gleder meg!
Åh vilka fina bilder du tar och allt ser sååå gott ut 🙂
Trevlig helg!
Å de så utrolig gode ut! Må testes:)
Hvor har du kjøpt små marsmallows?
Gleder meg til kurset i ettermoddag
Er det vaniljefrø fra en stang som skal være i oppskriften? Vaniljefrø er ikke nevnt i ingredienslisten, bare under fremgangsmåten!
Vi får håpe verken hun eller familien har nøttealergi 😉
Ser veldig gode ut da
Hei! Hva kan jeg bruke i stede for nøtter? Nøtteallergi..
Hei, og for deilige cookies. Jeg tenkte å lage disse nå, men lurte på hvor mye vaniljefrø som skulle inn, en hel stang?
Hei, og for noen deilige cookies. Jeg tenkte å lage disse nå, men lurte på hvor mye vaniljefrø som skulle inn, en hel stang?
Hvor mange cookies holder oppskriften til?
Disse så utrolig gode ut! Skal lage de til meg og vennene mine!<3 Håper det blir like fine som dine!
Excellent recipe! Made them, they are delicious!
Hi Mary, so happy you enjoyed them! 😀
-Team Passion4Baking
Tasty cookies
Egg should be med or large size?
Hi Lolo, Manuela uses mostly large eggs in her recipes.
-Team Passion4Baking