Hello everyone, I hope you are all well!
Today I made these fluffy marshmallow cupcakes, inspired by a visit to a a candy store in Barcelona. In that store I saw some pretty “marshmallows on a stick”, lovely idea for a birthday party.
You need to start by making the vanilla marshmallow mixture, you can find my step-by-step recipe here.
I made two portions of the marshmallow mixture. Add turquoise food coloring to one batch and baby pink food coloring to the other.
Use silicone cupcake molds for these Fluffy Marshmallow Cupcakes.
Spray the cavities of the silicone cupcake molds with some non-stick baking spray.
Put the turquoise marshmallow mixture into a piping bag fitted with a tip and pipe the mixture into the molds right up to the top edge.
You have to work quickly here since the mixture starts to set immediately. Set aside for a little while.
Make the second portion of marshmallow mixture, add some pink food coloring or leave it as it is.
Use a piping bag fitted with a Wilton 1B tip to make a beautiful swirl on top of each “cupcake”.
I usually top it all off with a pink bubble gum ball and a dusting of powdered sugar before I leave them to set for 5 minutes.
(Don’t do this if you’re making these cupcakes for small children – they can choke on the bubble gum!)
Dust with some powdered sugar.
Leave the marshmallows in their molds for about 15 minutes.
Pop the marshmallow cupcakes out of the molds and give them a good dusting of powdered sugar to cover completely.
So pretty!
Perfect for a birthday party, baby shower or even a wedding!
Love these vintage jars.
I hope I was able to inspire you!
Hugs from me to you.
Hei:) hvor er de søte rosa silikonformene fra?
Åh, de der var sååååå søte’ inlove
Åh de der var såå søte <inlove3
Kan man bruke gelatine plater istede for pulver
Evn hvor mange plater tilsvarer 1ts pulver ?
Såååååååå søte 🙂
Wow, this is such a cool idea! Cupcakes from marshmallows, I’m amazed.
xo Julia
Åh! Vilka härliga färger du har fått i bilderna. Verkligen vårens tema. 🙂
Hvor kjøper du glasskrukkene dine med lokk på?
mm, så gode ut! 🙂
manuela jeg kjøpte oxo min jug med navnet milk på fra søstrene grene, de har så mye fint:)
Die sehen aber lecker aus!
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Waw! What a wonderful idea! Thank you very much for the post!
Å, helledussen, så nydelig de så ut! Hvor lang holdbarhet vil du tro at disse har, Manuela?
Jeg har aldrig set en kvinde der er så dygtig til at bage, du har samtidig en fantastisk stil, det er virkelig kunst det du laver, din præsentation og fotografier er så gennemført! Jeg tager hatten af for dig!jeg bliver glad når jeg ser dine værker! Kærlige tanker fra hamborg!
Åh tusen takk 🙂
I love that recipe u are awesomee
This is the prettiest food I have ever seen.