Hello everyone!

This dessert is quick and easy to make, you don’t even need an oven! No baking required, though the reward is still very delicious…



Dirt cakes

  • 1 packet Oreos, crushed
  • 1 quantity chocolate mousse
  • Whipped Vanilla cream, stabilized

You can find the recipe for the chocolate mousse here, just omit the Daim.

Fill dessert bowls or Mason jars such as these, first with the chocolate mousse, then with some crushed Oreo cookies.


Whipped vanilla cream (stabilized)

  • 2  1/4 cups (500 ml) heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup (120 g) regular sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon gelatine powder +  1 teaspoon cold water

Put the gelatine powder and the water into a small bowl and leave to set for a few minutes.


Pour the cream into a mixing bowl with the sugar and vanilla.


Heat the gelatine mixture in the microwave oven for a few seconds, until liquid. Pour into the mixing bowl with the cream, sugar and vanilla, and whisk for a few minutes.



The addition of just a little gelatine makes the cream a lot more stable, perfect for cakes, cupcakes and other desserts.

If you don’t like using gelatine, just leave it out.


Fill the whipped vanilla cream into the dessert bowls or jars, on top of the crushed Oreos.


Top it all off with another layer of chocolate mousse and some extra crushed Oreos.


And there you have it; “Dirt cake”.


Perfect for serving guests since this can be prepared in advance.



Take care of each other,

hugs from me to you.




  1. Vi har hatt en kjempefin sommer , gode dager fulle av opplevelser og gutten min har vært i veldig fin form stort sett hele tiden 🙂
    Håper du også har en fin sommer <3

    Denne desserten skal på bordet neste jentekveld;)
    Ca hvor mange porsjoner blir d til og lager du en porsjon av mousse ?

    • Supert Tonje, det kommer litt an på hvor store dessert skåler du bruker, her ble det kun det du ser på bilde!

  2. Det så bare så godt ut! Må det spises samme dag, eller kan det lages dagen før. ( Vil kanskje servere på torsdag, men rekker ikke å lage det da).

    • Tusen takk, Åse. 🙂
      Det kan du servere senere. Men så klart smaker som oftest best, fersk. 🙂

  3. Linn Andersen Reply

    Dette så jo bare kjempe godt og lett ut. 🙂 
    Lurer på en ting jeg.  Kan du lage regnbuekake? 
    Har prøvd og finne noen oppskrifter, men hvis du lager en så vet jeg at den blir god 🙂
    Takk 🙂

  4. Följ min matblogg för att få nya tips till vardagsmaten! Enkla, goda och inspirerande recept!

    TACK! 🙂

  5. Camille Padrique Reply

    I love your website!! You’re such an inspiration! 🙂 

  6. Ååh, så godt det ser ut! Ser sånn opp til deg, Manuela! Håper jeg kan bli som deg når jeg blir eldre 🙂

  7. Monique D Leach Reply

    I truly enjoyed going through your posts on Instagram . You have a wonderful kitchen, and your presentation of your handmade baked goods is excellent. Where do you find the vintage items like the little school bottles of milk (my favorite!) and jars, the old fashioned scales, etc. I’m pleased to hear you’re making a cookbook in English! 
    I would like to purchase it when it comes out.

    Thank you for making my mouth water and I will continue to follow you on Instagram.

  8. Dette var en stor hitt når den ble servert sist jentekveld! Tusen takk for mange herlige oppskrifter. 🙂 

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