I love this simple, but delicious chocolate mousse. I like to add homemade almond croquant for a nice crunch, but the recipe is very versatile and you can adjust it to your preferences.
Here is the recipe, enjoy!
Crunchy Chocolate Mousse (serves 6)
- 3 1/2 tablespoons (50 g) butter
- 3 1/2 oz. (100 g) chocolate
- 1 tablespoons strong coffee
- 6 egg whites
- 1/2 cup (120 g) regular sugar
- 3 1/2 oz. (100 g) crushed homemade croquant, (find the recipe here)
- fresh berries, to decorate (optional)
Melt the butter and chocolate in the microwave oven. Add the strong coffee and leave to cool.
Whisk the egg whites with the sugar until soft peaks form.
Carefully fold the whisked egg whites into the cooled chocolate, a little at a time.
Add the homemade almond croquant (you can find the recipe here).
Divide the mixture between dessert bowls or glasses and chill for at least 2 hours.
Serve with some fresh berries.
I hope you are tempted…
Hugs from me to you.
Skal kaffen tilsettes som pulver eller skal jeg skal den være tatt igjennom kaffetrakteren? Står nemlig tilsett så flytende, sterk kaffe?
1 ss sterk kaffe
Varm smør og sjokolade i mikrobølgeovnen. Tilsett sa flytende, sterk kaffe og la det hele avkjøles.
Hei Renate kaffe skall være sterk men avkjølt for du blander det!
Hei, så fristende. Nettopp laga fudge brownie fra denne siden. Ble kjempe god! kan jeg bruke denne moussen som fyll i kake? Takk for svar :”)
Hei Sophia, så hyggelig at du liker oppskriften. Moussen kan brukes som fyll i kake. 🙂
-Team Passion4Baking