Hello everyone, a new day and a new Christmas recipe.

These gingerbread cookies are fluffy and yummi, and perfect to make and decorate with your children.


Gingerbread Cookies  (20–25 cookies)

  • 1/2 cup (115 g) butter
  • 1/3 cup (65 g) brown sugar
  • 2/3 cup (150 ml) molasses
  • 1 large egg
  • 3 cups (375 g) all-purpose flour
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • ½ teaspoon ground cloves
  • ¼ teaspoon ground pepper

Put the butter and brown sugar into a mixing bowl and beat until fluffy.

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Add the molasses and egg and beat well.


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Sift together the flour, bicarbonate of soda, salt and all the spices.

Tip into the dough and beat for 1-2 minutes.

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Put the dough into a plastic bag and leave to rest for about one hour (or more).

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Preheat the oven to 350 ºF (180 ºC) and line a baking tray with baking paper.

Dust your work surface with flour and roll out the dough.

Cut out gingerbread men with a cookie cutter and arrange on the lined baking tray.

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Place the tray in the freezer for 10 minutes before baking in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes.

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Leave to cool, and enjoy!

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They make a pretty little Christmas gift…


I wish you all a great day!

Hugs from me to you.




  1. Hei Manuela.
    Ja kjempeflotte å gi bort i gave. Jeg er så glad i å prøve ut nye oppskrifter. Gleder meg til å bake disse og pynte dem.
    Gøy å teste ut en litt mere fluffy type av pepperkaker. Oppskriften ser kjempegod ut.
    Nå er den notert ned og skal bakes 🙂

  2. Ingvild Lillemo Reply

    Jeg har prøvd disse nå! Min erfaring; Mørk sirup fungerte bra. Deigen er ganske klissete så beregn mye mel til utbaking. Når du kjevler ut syns vi her hos meg at det ble best om tykkelsen var en mellomting av norske pepperkaker og tjukk-snipper. De hever en del i ovnen. Avkjøles på rist. Må prøves – GODE!!!

  3. Good Afternoon!
    I’ve got inspired by this recipes so much! But I can’y find anywhere mellassa, is it possible to substitute by something else?

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Daria, you can also use treacle, or dark syrup.
      Happy baking!

      -Team Passion4Baking

  4. Hi! I wanna make this recipe, however I don’t have any molasses. Can I substitute it with something else? Can I use honey?

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Dea Hanna, if you can’t get molasses just use dark syrup. Failing that, use golden syrup, but the flavor will be a bit different.
      Good luck!

      -Team Passion4Baking

  5. Christina El Jamal Reply

    Hi Manuela, if we do not have molasses in our country, what can I recplace it with? and what is the quantity?

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Christina, you can use treacle or other dark syrup. The quantity is 2/3 cup (150 ml).

      -Team Passion4Baking

  6. Hi! What for do we need to freeze them before baking? I saw that in the recipe that is in the magazine it says that we should freeze them 1 hour before baking but I would like to know why. 
    Thanks in advance!! 🙂 

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Ana, if the unbaked cookies are very cold, they will hold their shape more easily during baking.

      -Team Passion4Baking

  7. Hi Manuela,

    Is it better to use light or dark brown sugar? Thanks 🙂

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