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Hello everyone, I hope you are all well.

I had the idea to make these bars when I was clearing out my cupboard, I spotted the lovely silicone mats I’ve used for rolling out marzipan and figured they would work well for making pretty chocolates, too.

These design chocolate bars will brighten up any dessert table!


Design chocolate bars

  • 10 oz. (300 g) chocolate of your choice
  • mini marshmallows, licorice powder, nuts, raisins… whatever you like best
  • patterned silicone mats

I use these silicone mats from Silikomart.


Melt the chocolate. I’ve used dark chocolate here.


I recommend using tempered chocolate or coating chocolate if you are going to give these away as gifts. That way they will look pretty for longer.

Spread the chocolate over the silicone mat, a palette knife will come in handy here.


Sift over some licorice powder if you like, or use dried fruit, nuts, or whatever you like best.


On another silicone mat, with a different pattern, I sprinkled mini marshmallows on the chocolate.


Leave to dry completely.

If you are using tempered chocolate this will set quite quickly, if using regular chocolate it will take a few hours.

Place in the refrigerator to speed it up.


When the chocolate is set, break up into shards.


So pretty!


These were made from what I had in the house, use whatever you like best.


They make such a lovely gift.



I hope you are inspired to make these chocolate bars. If you don’t have silicone mats like this you can just as well use an old tablecloth or some lace, cover with plastic wrap and spread the melted chocolate on top for a very unique design.



I wish you all a wonderful day!

Hugs from me to you.





  1. Maria Madeleine Knutsen Reply

    Skriver navnet mitt her også, jeg 🙂 Maria Madeleine Knutsen.

  2. Ann Kristin Reply

    Hei. Oppdaget din side her om dagen, og slave av den er jeg blitt. Har prøvd meg på et par oppskrifter, og det gikk overaskende bra. Du ba oss komme med tips om ønsker. Jeg har et ønske. Hva om du viser hvordan en kan lage konfektbiter som en bruker de små silikonformene til. Har fått en noen slike, og aner ikke hva jeg skal bruke dem til. Ha en super dag, og vit at du blir satt pris på. Tusen takk for en fantastisk blogg.

  3. Pingback: 2 ingredient decorative chocolate bark~ easy and delicious! | ShoutYourSite

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