
Happy Monday everyone. Today was a lovely day with sunshine and mild temperatures. I felt like making a delicious strawberry milkshake.

The recipe for this delicious strawberry milkshake was given to me by my sister-in-law who lives in the USA. I’m convinced that this would have been a bestseller if I owned a diner. It’s simply a taste of heaven.




Strawberry Milkshake (3 large milkshake glasses)

  • 1 qt. (1 liter) vanilla ice cream
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 cups (480 ml) ice cubes
  • 1 banana
  • 3 tablespoons regular sugar
  • 7 strawberries


Put everything into a blender and pulse to make a smooth milkshake.


Don’t forget to add the vanilla extract, it’s the vanilla which gives that delicious flavor.


Pulse for just a few minutes.


This will be delicious…


In the meantime, whip some cream.



Pour this delicious milkshake into 3 large milkshake glasses.


Pipe some whipped cream on top, if you like.


Use a cute straw for this, and enjoy…


I hope I was able to tempt you, have a nice evening everyone.

Hugs from me to you.



  1. Denne lagde jeg i går, det var utrolig godt. Drømmer om sommer og nyte denne på terrassen. Anbefales! 

  2. Mariken❤️❤️❤️ Reply

    Det du lager ser bare så godt ut. Du har den beste siden jeg vet om. Du lager så søte ting som jeg får så lyst til å lage (spise) selv. Jeg liker fargene du kombinerer på bakverksten. Skulle ønske jeg en gang blir like flink som deg❤️ -Mariken 12år

  3. Fantastic website! Question, is there an alternative for the bananas for someone with a banana allergy?
    Many thanks in advance! 

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Pari, you could substitute the banana with another sweet fruit; mango, pineapple, or whatever you like best.

      -Team Passion4Baking

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