Hello everyone, I hope you are all well.
As you can see, the English version of my blog is now ready, Maria will be working everyday on translating most of my recipes to English.
So check back daily on this English site for new recipes, the archive is growing each week.
Today is “fastelavsøndag”, traditionally the day before the beginning of lent – seven weeks before Easter Sunday. Scandinavians celebrate this day with sweet buns filled with whipped cream and jam or marzipan.
I have previously made a few variations of the fastelavn bun:
For example these Fastelavns- (Brioche) buns, find the recipe here.
Next are these Very Vanilla cream-filled brioche, they are heavenly…
You can find the recipe here.
Last recipe comes here and happens to be my favorite – “Sunshine buns & skolebrød”.
These are not traditional buns for fastelavn Sunday, but they are so good they had to be included..
You can find the recipe here.
Follow me on Instagram for my latest updates, you can find me @passionforbaking.
Wishing you all a good day.
Hugs from me to you.