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Hello everyone, I hope you are all well.

Here’s another recipe to get you in the mood for Christmas – croquant and croquant medallions are perfect for ice cream cakes and confectionery!

When I was a little girl we used to go to Belgium to visit a family there, and that’s where I was introduced to these delicious croquant chocolate medallions.

Now I make my own version, using homemade croquant… Highly recommended!

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Homemade almond croquan

  • 5  1/4 oz. (150 g) blanched almonds
  • 1  1/4 cup (275 g) regular sugar
  • 2 tablespoons (30 g) butter
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Finely chop the almonds with a knife or in a food processor. You should end up with a mixture of very finely chopped and some slightly larger pieces.


Melt the sugar in a saucepan until it has turned into a golden caramel.


Add the butter and vanilla extract and stir until the butter has melted.


Add the chopped almonds and stir until everything is well blended.

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Spread out onto a greased sheet of baking parchment and leave to cool until set.


The croquant is now ready to be chopped or crushed. Crush it with a rolling pin or in a food processor.

It will keep well in an airtight container for up to 3 months.


Croquant medallions

  • 7 oz. (200 g) dark chocolate
  • 2 1/3 oz. (65 g) homemade croquant, crushed
  • whoopie pie silicone mat (optional)

Melt the chocolate over a pan of simmering water, add the crushed croquant and stir well.


Place one tablespoonful into each of the rounds on the silicone mat, then leave to cool completely.


If you don’t have a whoopie mat, just draw circles onto a piece of baking parchement instead.


Now nothing remains but to enjoy these amazing croquant and chocolate medallions, and to share them with the people around you.

If you are giving them away as a gift I recommend using tempered chocolate or coating chocolate, that way surface will stay nice and glossy for several days.


Have a nice day everyone!

Hugs from me to you.



    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hei Hanne, håper du prøver å lage dem .. 🙂

      -Team Passion4Baking

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hei Amy, det kommer an på hvor store man lager, men det blir ca 12 stk hvis man lager dem i denne størrelsen.

      -Team Passion4Baking

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