For this recipe, I use the Norwegian sponge cake that you can find the recipe for here.

To see a video how to make the Norwegian sponge cake, see the video below.


Instead of baking it off in a 25-cm spring form I use 3x 8 –inch round baking pans.
It makes it easier to get even layers.

Let the cake layers cool complete before you proceed.


Take the first cake layer out of the tin, by going around the side of the cake with a sharp knife.

Flip the cake out, and place it on your work table.
With a long-serrated knife, trim the top of the cake layer
Flip the cake over and repeat it on the bottom of the cake as well to make a flat surface.


Your cake is now ready to be filled with lots of yumminess.
One of the thing I love to drizzle over my cake layers before I fill them with cream and other yumminess is raspberry or strawberry sauce, it makes the cake tastier and so moist, and it goes better into the cake layers by removing the crust first.
You can find the recipe for the raspberry punch here.

Next time you bake a cake, you should try it.

Have a beautiful day you all.

Love Manuela xo

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