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You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions.

Send me an e-mail and I’ll reply as soon as I can!

[email protected] or [email protected]

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You will also find passion4baking on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

Manuela Kjeilen
Passion4baking AS
Vålerveien 1148
1591 Sperrebotn

0047-95 79 44 43
0046-70 9204321

[email protected]


  1. eva lindgren Reply

    Underbar hemsida och fantastiska bilder. 
    Tack för inspirationen! 

  2. Anneli Eriksson Reply

    Hej, Manuela!
    Jag har precis köpt din bok “Just Sweet” och jag är helt förälskad! Vilken underbar bok och inspiration! Den behövs i denna gråkalla vardag. Dina recept är så mycket roligare och annorlunda från alla andra cupcake och bakböcker som svämmar över i affärerna just nu. Tack för denna underbara inspiration!

  3. hi Manuela 

    hope your fine 

    i really love eating the caramel waffles 
    i buy it from out every day 
    i would like to do it homemade 
    maybe you can help ^_^

    and thnk alot

    love u xoxoxo 

  4. Hei Manuela 
    I saw your pictures on Instagram and I was  in love!
    I bought your book in  Germany because you’re my inspiration! 
    Too bad that there is only one book from you in German language !! 🙁
    I hope that the other books are also translated 🙁

    You’re a great person and  thank you for all the great recipes :-))

  5. I adore your blog/instagram….. Please tell me you are doing an english book? Are any of your exsisting book going to be translated?

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Camilla, yes there will be an English book, most likely this fall, but the exact date is not yet confirmed.

      -Team Passion4Baking

  6. HI, I was just wondering where you’ve got the pastel coloured spatulas. 

  7. Hi Manuela
    I love your site, the address on yor site is that a bakery you have? And 
    Can is it possible to come and taste your cakes?
    From Louise 

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Louise, thank you, but Manuela does not have a bakery.
      We wish you a great summer! 🙂

      -Team Passion4Baking

  8. Hei Manuela! Tusen takk for en super blogg og flotte kokebøker! Jeg har et spørsmål, jeg skal bake cupcakes tårn med en liten kake på toppen til mitt eget bryllup i August… Jeg tenkte å begynne litt tidlig, fryse cupcakes og pynte 2 dager før… Men når jeg har fryst før hender det at formene detter av når jeg tar de opp igjen… Og det er jo ikke fint… Har du noe triks for å unngå dette? Jeg er kjempetakknemlig for svar… Hilsen Kristine

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hei Kristine, så flott at du skal lage kake og cupcakes til ditt eget bryllup! Det med muffinsformene som løsner etter å ha vært i fryseren er et kjent problem, du må rett og slett bare prøve deg fram med forskjellige typer former – noen løsner mer enn andre. For eksempel virker det som det skal mer til for at formene med hard “kant” øverst løsner etter å ha vært frosne (som f.eks disse:, men det kommer jo også litt an på type røre du bruker.
      Lykke til, både med bakingen og med bryllup i august! 🙂

      -Team Passion4Baking

  9. I can’t stop looking at your website. It is just beautiful and I have a sudden urge to go home and bake! Plus you are using some of Norpro, Inc. products AND this is a Norwegian, family owned company. We are in Seattle, Washington, USA just loving your site! Best regards, Michelle Coffey, Art Director, Norpro

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Michelle, and thank you for your kind words!

      -Team Passion4Baking

  10. Hola Manuela, me encanta su blog y los postres que realiza. Quisiera saber si va a publicar sus libros en español para poderlos comprar ya que creo que son maravillosos. Muchas gracias y siga haciendo esos magnificos postres que parecen de porcelana y dan hasta cosa comerlos pues son tan hermosos…. Un saludo

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hola M Angeles, gracias por los cumplidos. Los libros no están en español.

      -Team Passion4Baking

  11. linda tjandra Reply

    Hi Manuela. I really like your blog. It’s very interesting with various recipes. I also interested with all your cookbook. I just wanna know are they available in english version or not? I hope they’re also available in english version so I can have them all. Thankyou. Regards Linda.

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Linda Tjandra, thank you for your kind words. Manuela’s books are not yet published in English, but they may be in the future.

      -Team Passion4Baking

  12. linda tjandra Reply

    I’m so glad to hear that. Please confirmed or let me know if you have published in english version. I can hardly wait to have them :). Thank you

  13. I” 15 y.o. and i love baking, i’m so glad that i discovered your instagram and blog. U are amazing and i love your work:) thank you for this blog and for all you do:)

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Vendy K, how wonderful that you are inspired by Passion4Baking! We wish you the best of luck in your future baking endeavours!

      -Team Passion4Baking

  14. sonia elola Reply

    hola manuela, soy argentina te empece a seguir por instagram, soy chef y me encantaria poder conseguir alguno de tus libros aca en Argentina, no han llegado a EEUU aun, espero que lleguen aca en algun momento.

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hola Sonia, gracias por tu interés. Libros de Manuela aún no están en español. Tal vez en el futuro!

      -Team Passion4Baking

  15. Yamila Antonella Reply

    hola! soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina!!! quiero darte mis felicitaciones… estoy encantada con tus fotos, tus ricas tortas, y las bellezas que tenes de utensilios… mi sueño es ser una pastelera así como vos…. lo descubrí hace poco… y lamentablemente no cuento económicamente con dinero para poder estudiar… tengo una hija de a penas un año de edad y el poco dinero que tenemos es para sobrevivir y para ella. así que seguiré deleitándome con tus hermosos trabajos a la distancia! te sigo en instagram y adoro las cosas que haces! mis mejores deseos para vos. mucha suerte en todo. besos…

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hola Yamila Antonella. Gracias por sus amables palabras, es bueno para inspirar a otros.

      -Team Passion4Baking

  16. Laura Rodriguez Reply

    Felicitaciones por todos los posts. Los sigo en redes y frecuento el blog. He visto que tienen libros de recetas, pero donde puedo comprarlos en ingles? No los encuentro en Amazon, me podrían ayudar conecto?
    Muchas gracias!

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hola Laura, gracias por tu interés. Libros de Manuela aún no están en ingles. Tal vez en el futuro!

      -Team Passion4Baking

  17. Hei Manuela, Tidligere har du hatt en oppskrift på bagels på bloggen (den inneholder yoghurt). Jeg finner den ikke nå, er den tatt vekk?

    Hilsen Bente

  18. Shikha Machhar Reply

    Hi there! 
    Everything that you have posted looks so amazing. Thank you very much for sharing all of it. 
    I have one request, which is, if you could share some eggless dessert recipes as well. I don’t eat egg and all of the cakes, cookies, tarts etc posted include egg in them. It would be great if you could either tell me what to use in substitution for eggs or share some eggless recipes please. 
    Thanks a lot! 

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Shikha Machhar, there are some recipes here without eggs, take a look in the cookie section.:-)
      Happy baking!

  19. Hi Manuela!
    I really like your blog. Your recipes make me interesting to try. I try to make Macaron because I like to eat it. I have a question to ask you. I follow all the technique but my Macaron did not puffed up after baked it. My Macarons came out  flat surface. Can you tell me How can I make it right.!!

    Thank you

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Indy, it may sound like your egg whites have lost some of the air in the mixing process. Make sure they are nice and airy, and try to preserve the air when mixing them into the almond paste.
      Good luck!

      -Team Passion4Baking

  20. What an incredibly beautiful site!  I am trying to start my own cupcake business and you have given me so much inspiration.  Simply gorgeous and classy!  

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Elizabeth, and thank you for your kind words! We wish you the best of luck with your cupcake business. 🙂

      -Team Passion4Baking

  21. Hola Manuela!
    Soy ale de Mexico, te sigo en instagram! Me gusta mucho las fotos de tu pastelería y me gustaría ir, quiero ir a Noruega y quiero pasar por tu tienda, me podrías decir a que aeropuerto volar más cercano de tu tienda! Volare de España a Noruega! 
    Muchas gracias!!!

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hola Ale olvera, gracias por palabras bonitas!

      -Team Passion4Baking

  22. hello manuela,
    are your books translated in english?
    thank you

    ps love to see feta cheese in your recipes! <3
    thank you from greece

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Lina, none of the books are translated to English yet, but we’ll be sure to let you know when a date is set. 🙂

      -Team Passion4Baking

    • Team Passion4Baking Reply

      Hi Maria. Thank you for your interest, but none of the books are in English yet.

      -Team Passion4Baking

  23. Tack snällaför dina fantastiska baktips. Har just bakat baguette och penslat med gräddmjölk och det blev så otroligt mycket finare och knaprigare yta än när man penslar med vatten.

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